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Our customers

The following list is partial and presents our references divided by type of customer activity.


All over the world


On 3 continents

Accredited laboratories for the verification of emission monitoring systems according to the EN14181 QAL2 standard

Customer nameCityTelephoneQtyProdotto
INDAMCastelmella (BS)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
E.B.C. Environm. Building Corp.Potenza (PZ)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
LAB ANALYSIS S.r.l.Casanova Lonati (PV)Confidential information2BetaCAP30RK (high flow)
INNOVHUB – Stazione Sperim. Combustibili SpASan Donato Milanese (MI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30RK (low flow)
EUROLAB Italia SrlNichelino (TO)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
Gruppo CSA Centro Studi Ambientali SpARimini (RN)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
ARPA LombardiaMilano (MI) – Mantova (MN)Confidential information4BetaCAP30 (high flow)
APPA Provincia Autonoma di TrentoTrento (TN)Confidential information1BetaCAP60-3G (low flow)
AMIAT TorinoTorino (TO)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
ARPA FVGUdine (UD)Confidential information1BetaCAP60-3G (low flow)
ARPA PiemonteIvrea (TO)Confidential information1BetaCAP60X100 (low flow)
ARPA UmbriaTerni (TN)Confidential information1BetaCAP60-3G (high flow)
CADA Chimica Applicata Depurazione AcqueMenfi (AG)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
ENTE Zona Industriale Porto MargheraPorto Marghera (VE)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
THEOLAB SpAVolpiano (TO)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
ECOSANITASRoncadelle (BS)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 All steel (high flow)
SSV Stazione Sperimentale del VetroMurano (VE)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
pH TÜV SÜDLoc. Sambuca (FI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
MIT AmbientePesaro (PU)Confidential information1BetaCAP30X100 (high flow)
CATASSan Giovanni Al Natisone (UD)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
FENICE (EDF Group)Cascine Vica – Rivoli (TO)Confidential information3BetaCAP30 (high flow)
NEOSYSMoncalieri (TO)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
AGROLABAltavilla Vicentina (VI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 All Steel (high flow)
NUTRISCIENCEResana (TV)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 All Steel (high flow)
ENEL GITSCavriglia (AR)Confidential information1BetaCAP60-3G (low flow)
MONDECOPiobesi d’Alba (CN)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
SIZP Slovak Environm.InspectionKošice – Slovak Rep.Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
ECOOPERALavis (TN)Confidential information1BetaCAP60-3G (low flow)
L.A.V. LaboratoriRimini (RN)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
IDROGEOLABAlessandria (AL)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
C.P.G. Lab SrlCairo Montenotte (SV)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
ARPA UmbriaTerni (TR)Confidential information1BetaCAP60-3G
ARPA Lombardiavarie provinceConfidential information4BetaCAP30X100
ARPA VenetoVenezia MargheraConfidential information1BetaCAP60-3G
Through Air Monitoring
Ospedaletto (PI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 CP Inox
ARESLAB (Gruppo A2A)
Through Air Monitoring
Castegnato (BS)Confidential information1BetaCAP60-3G
Alfa Solution
Through Air Monitoring
Reggio Emilia (RE)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 CP Inox
Ecopoint S.r.l.
Through Air Monitoring
CesenaConfidential information1BetaCAP30 CP
AXIS Environmental Services Ltd.Clondrinagh Limerick IRELANDConfidential information1BetaCAP30 CP

Analyzer or sensor manufacturers – Distributors and/or system integrators

Customer nameCityTelephoneQtyProduct
SGA di Guzzo CorradoVillafranca Padovana (PD)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
SAE di Sandonà FrancescoVillafranca Padovana (PD)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
TEXA SpA – AutomotiveMonastier (TV)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
ECISGROUPMuggiò (MB)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
PROTEC Ambiente SrlSenigallia (AN)Confidential information3BetaCAP30RK (high flow)
MEGA SYSTEM SrlBareggio (MI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
FER strumenti SrlSeregno (MB)Confidential information4BetaCAP30 e BetaCAP30RK
ORION SrlVeggiano (PD)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
TecnoControl SrlSegrate (MI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
SARTEC – Saras Ricerche e TecnologieAssemini (CA)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
LOCCIONI GROUPAngeli di Rosora (AN)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
ABB Process Automation Div.Sesto S.Giovanni (MI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30X100 All steel
TECNOVA ServicePregnana Milanese (MI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30RK (high flow)
ASSEMBLAD (Automotive)Campi Bisenzio (FI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30RK (low flow)
DiPietro GroupMelilli (SR)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
NOVASIS InnovazionePont Saint Martin (AO)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 All Steel (low flow)
PROTEA Ltd.Middlewich UKConfidential information1BetaCAP30 All Steel (high flow)
KT AutomationVinovo (TO)Confidential information1BetaCAP30RK (high flow)
AS.TEC SistemiMoie di Maiolati (AN)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
SD ServiceSpinea (VE)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 All Steel (high flow)
TSE Systems GmbHBad Homburg vor der Höhe – DConfidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
F.S.A. Ferrara Service AnalyzersFerrara (FE)Confidential information1BetaCAP30RK (high flow)
Fuji Electric Co.Tokyo (Japan)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 All Steel (high flow)
Nippon Thermo Co.,Ltd.Kyoto (Japan)Confidential information1BetaCAP30X100 All Steel (low flow)

Analyzer fleet managers – Product testing laboratories

Customer nameCityTelephoneQtyProduct
E.ON (Power station Fiume Santo)Loc. Cabu Aspru (SS)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
ITALGAS (Phys.Chem. Laboratory)Asti (AT)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
ITALGAS (Odourization Laboratory)Asti (AT)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 All Steel (high flow)
EDF – Nuclear Power Services
Bordeaux (France)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
CMC Centro Misure CompatibilitàThiene (VI)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
SIAD Specialty Gases LaboratoryOsio di Sopra (BG)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum
Through ANSYCO
Leipzig (Germany)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (low flow)
TIRRENO POWER (CTE Vado Ligure)Vado Ligure (SV)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 All Steel (High flow)
RIELLO Bruciatori – Sala proveLecco (LC)Confidential information1BetaCAP30 (high flow)
Belgrade UniversityBelgrade – SerbiaConfidential information1BetaCAP30 (Low flow)
Tangshan Sunfar Silicon Industries
Through Nippon Thermo
Tangshan Nanpu (China)Confidential information1BetaCAP30X100 All Steel
Kanto Denka Kogyo Co.,Ltd
Through Nippon Thermo
?Confidential information1BetaCAP30X100
SHANGHAI GENTECHShanghai – JPConfidential information1BetaCAP30X100
ABB Spa IAMATremezzina (CO)Confidential information1BetaCAP60X100
PP SystemsAmesbury – MA – USAConfidential information1BetaCAP30X100
ITALGAS RETI (Lab Odorizzazione)AstiConfidential information1BetaCAP60X100
NIRA Through Air MonitoringBiassono (MB)Confidential information1BetaCAP60X100

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